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The Modern Ground Concept

Titanium, known for its exceptional hardness and ductility, has emerged as a popular material in today’s construction industry. Its white color and versatility make it a preferred choice for various construction purposes, offering an alternative to the challenges associated with traditional tile usage.

Using titanium for building decoration provides numerous advantages over tiles, such as increased strength, higher quality, and reduced maintenance costs.

Unlike tiles that deteriorate over time and require frequent replacements, titanium offers enhanced durability, ensuring long-lasting beauty for your structures.

However, some people may have concerns about titanium’s susceptibility to scratching. It’s important to note that streaking issues arise when cement is added to titanium, the plaster is not properly adhered, or the layer is not given sufficient time to set. When applied correctly, titanium surpasses tiles as a superior construction material.

In today’s market, titanium is available in a wide range of colors and patterns, allowing for creative and unique design possibilities.

Advantages of using Titanium for your Construction Projects

  • Cost-Effective: Titanium is a budget-friendly option compared to other services, including tiles.
  • Durability: Unlike tiles that require frequent replacement, titanium can be restored to its original state even after aging. It can maintain a matte finish without the need for re-polishing or be transformed into a super gloss layer with a smooth surface through re-polishing.
  • Reduced Building Pressure: With its exceptional strength, titanium requires a layer thickness of only 8mm-10mm, reducing the pressure and weight on the building structure.
  • Time-Efficient: Titanium allows for quick project completion, saving time during construction.
  • Strong and Natural Appearance: Titanium provides a robust and natural-looking finish to your floors.
  • Water Resistance: Titanium resists water absorption, preventing damage caused by moisture.
  • Longevity: Titanium offers long-lasting performance, ensuring the durability of your floors over time.